Saturday, 27 November 2010

Reasons For My Smile: Retreats, Family Visits and Thanksgiving Break

  • Watching and Re-watching amazing movies like Uptown Girls, Never Been Kissed, and When Harry Met Sally! Loved them!
  • Going with an equally crazy friend and in the company of many college students to see Harry Potter 7 part 1 at 3:30 am! So much fun and totally safe because every one was out that night (since it was opening night) and we got back at sunrise. The costumes I saw people in were awesome too :)
  • Taking a train ride to New York city to visit my Godmom, and getting to spend some time with her :)
  • Fabric Shopping and Swatching in New York City. Weaving in and out of fabric store aisles, pulling swatches, feathers, and trims, and searching for the perfect match was so exhilarating! I was born to do this!
  • Hanging out with friends from my fellowship. We're so close we feel like siblings.
  • The scenery on the train ride back to Massachusetts. Absolutely Breathtaking.
  • Visiting St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC. The architecture is stunning and its definitely a must-see if you're a Catholic in New York city.
  • Celebrating Thanksgiving and having the opportunity to just be grateful for all that I have been blessed with in life.
  • Going on an all day Theology of the Body Retreat and getting the opportunity to experience so many beautiful things that weekend.
  • Dreaming of someday living in the European countryside with my own horse, field and stables.
  • Reading Ella Enchanted . Even if you've already seen the movie I highly recommend the book because they are not the same.
  • Building my Itunes library and signing up for Netflix. I've discovered there are way too many amazing movies that have come out than I haven't seen yet.
  • Visiting my aunt and cousin over the weekend and finally getting my hair redone.
  • Planning to DIY some of my new jeans and sweatpants. I'm really excited for this, especially since I just discovered that some of my new close friends are into DIY too :P
  • Preparing for Christmas!!!
Love you all and Stay inspired,

    P.S. So let me know what you think. What's made you happy this week? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
    Sunday, 21 November 2010

    Dearest Devotees: Laying it all down

    Dearest Devotees,

    After more than a year of blogging, I've been feeling pulled in many different directions lately and I must say that I am quite unsure of how to go forward. The past month and a half in particular has been extremely enlightening, crazy, fun-filled and engaging in my life, because I believe that I have found my Vocation. I can't explain much about it on here because it is very related to my religion but it is very much about helping people. I've finally realized how much it means to me give of myself to others, and to help them become happier people. For a year, I've been completely unsure as to how best to do that, and now that I have such a wonderful group of readers I would love to get your feedback on what you would want. I write this blog for you. I'd originally begun this blog to find myself and now that I have I've realised that all I want is to help people I want to know how best to do that. This is why I want to take the blog in a direction that you guys would be able to leave my blog after visit feeling happier and more fulfilled than when you came. Please let me know what you want. Are there any kinds of post you are more interested in? (Creative lifestyle, Seeking inspiration, Life's a Debate, If I had one wish, Dreaming of the Show, etc. Any particular topics you would like me to discuss? Pursuing an Artistic Career, Doing a little bit everyday, Muses, etc). Honestly you can suggest anything, even something I haven't done before. I am always up for a challenge. Going in though I must say that I will stay true to myself and will only do the things I feel called to.

    Any advice or suggestions you could give me in the comments would be highly appreciated.

    Love you all and Stay inspired,

    Saturday, 6 November 2010

    Reasons for My Smile: Slumber Parties, Feeling He's Here, and a 100 Followers!

    • Having a particularly awesome slumber party at my one of my darling friend's dorm and a random but equally wonderful sleepover at another friend's dorm :) It made me feel like a kid again :)

    • Watching 10 Things I Hate About You with friends. Seeing my favorite actors as little teenagers was oddly entertaining.
    • Feeling He is here :)
    • Doing my own version of NaNoWriMo and Art Every Day Month because I've realized working on and hopefully completing my anthology this month means more to me than working on a new novel right now. So excited!
    • Planning crafting parties
    • All the love shown to me when I was ill and finally getting well again.
    • Renovating my Halloween costume dress to turn it into something I can wear everyday. TeeHee.
    • Organizing my dorm room. I love having white space.
    • Getting my new inspiration board! It's here!!!! and it looks AWESOME!
    • Wishing My Dad a happy birthday!
    • Listening to some awesome TED talks on creativity. The links should be posted in my seeking inspiration post this week.
    • Choosing to learn River Flows In You by Yiruma for my piano final. So pretty and so different from anything I've ever done.
    • Loving Life :)
    • And last but definitely not least loving the fact that I now have 100 followers on Google reader! Thank you so much my darling devotees. You all always make me happy.
    Love you all and Stay inspired,

      P.S. So let me know what you think. What made you happy this week? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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