Wednesday, 17 March 2010

A Day in the Life: Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Photo from : We heart it

Dearest Devotees,

Happy Saint Patrick's Day Darlings!

Since I love the Irish, Northern Ireland and school in Boston, which is home of Irish America I felt is was necessary to spread good tidings and holiday cheer to you all. Also its uber sunny and warm here and has been for 2 days now, so yay for spring!

Last week I did a post on going green and other ways of saving the world, and thanks to this post by A of The Glamourous Grad Student, I've discovered another way to make my blog 'green'.
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It's an initiative called 'My Blog is Carbon Neutral' and it was started by the Make it Green programme in Germany to raise awareness about the effects of carbon emissions on the environment. The initiative helps each participating blog to reduce their carbon footprint by planting a tree when they join. The trees are planted in cooperation with Arbor Day Foundation with the Plumas National Forest in Northern California in order to help restore this forest which is of the many national forests that were burned down by wildfires in the past 10 years. Considering how popular blogging is and how many people could possibly join his initiative, I feel that it could make such a difference. So if you are blogger please check out this site, and help spread the word.

Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. I'm sorry I'm running late on the seeking inspiration post for this week. It has been really chaotic, but I will have it out soon, hopefully sometime tomorrow.


Elaine said...

That sounds cool!!! I'm off to check it out right now..

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Erin Kim said...

happy st. patty's day to you as well! :)

D. said...

I'm doing this :)

Cafe Fashionista said...

Hope you had a fabulous, pinch-free St. Patrick's Day, my love!! :)

ellie said...

Cute cookies! going green in a whole new way. all the best to your week.

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Go Green too, darlings