Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Contact Me

Hello Sweethearts,

Feel free to email me if you :
  • have contributions for 'seeking inspiration' or 'in my shoes' segments
  • have advertising and/or giveaway inquiries
  • have comments,compliments and/or suggestions,
  • need advice (style, art, or life-related)
  • just want to say hi :)
I love to hear from you all and will try my best to reply as soon as possible.

You can also follow me on:


Love you all and Stay inspired,


ellie said...

That's nice of you. So have you found anything out there that is a must have this spring? I did see some scarves that might brighten what I have, but then I thought..I'll get hot in that or spill something on it. Just my luck. I'm very clumsy and have accidently fell into things I haven't meant to. But sometimes, they can be unexpected bright spots of the day. Conversation. Ideas for stories or things I would have never known otherwise.

All the best.

Frannie said...

Oh definitely ellie! I am actually going to do a post on it soon, probably tonight or so in fact. I will mostly focus on accessories because they are generally cheaper and better transition pieces but I will include a few larger pieces as well.


Cafe Fashionista said...

You're so sweet, Aury - and I adore that photograph. There's something about vintage typewriters that always makes me swoon!! :)

Frannie said...

-Cafe Fashionista:
Thanks darling:)

sekkyb said...

Hey there.

It's sekky! I just stumbled upon your blog once more and thought I'd let you know how proud I am of you! I really do love your blog and I'll definitely be coming here regularly for bits of inspiration when I need them.

Much love! x

Catie said...

Hey Aury! Sorry I don't think I answered your question earlier. (I've been so out of touch with the blogging world this summer.)I'm not in Boston now but I am coming back soon for the fall.

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Hello my darlings!
Thank you, thank you,Thank You for deciding to leave a comment :) I just love hearing from you and interacting with you amazing people. This is why I blog. I love comments, compliments, and totally accept words of advice given in a friendly and positive manner. Negativity is not welcome here. I love all of my darling devotees and would never want to hurt you. I hope you feel the same way, too.

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Hello! I am Frannie a.k.a Frances Anne and I am a 21 year old Catholic Missionary. I am Nigerian but have lived all over the world and I currently live and serve in the U.S. I love God, others and life in general. I bubble over with joy everyday and would love to share my joy with you.
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