Sunday, 27 March 2011

Quick update Darlings!

Dearest Devotees,

I'm doing ScriptFrenzy, this month long competition to write a 100 page long script in 30 days. It starts on April 1st and ends on the 30th. I'm so excited and already have my screenplay idea all set and rearing to go. If you're interested in joining (it's not too late) go here to sign up. And if you do sign up let me know, we can be Frenzy buddies!

Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. My Social Media Sabbatical is going really well. I'm currently off of Facebook, Twitter, and have drastically reduced my time spent on Youtube too. I have never had so much free time, and the space this has created in my life is allowing me to spend time developing my offline relationships, interests and skills. I do miss you all, though and hope that I will be ready to return to the blogosphere soon, rejuvenated and reborn.


ellie said...

GOOD LUCK! I did the november novel and I know it's an incredible feeling to accomplish it. I know you can. Its just I've never written a script before.

Selina said...

Hey Aury,

That's awesome! I've always wanted to do something like Script Frenzy or NaNoWriMo, but have just never had quite enough motivation or inspiration to follow through with an idea.

Good luck to ya!

Frannie said...

Thanks for your support!!! I've never written a script before either but I got this program called storyist to help me format and I've just been working on my ideas and everything in the hopes it will go well.

Anonymous said...

That's so good to hear ..can you download storylist? are you going to write it on line or does that work. I hope it goes great for you.

Frannie said...

You can download storyist. It's a program you download onto computer from the internet, but then you can use it whenever you want offline.

Jeff King said...

Gald to hear from you... best of luck.

Dr. Cheryl Carvajal said...

Hurray for you!

And don't worry about the blog right now... the social stuff goes on without us when we don't have time...

I'd do script frenzy, but the play I'm in starts April 28, and I'm on a cruise before then...

batik alisha said...

good luck friend..

English Rose ♥ said...

Ooh this sounds so exciting!! Good luck with it!!

I've missed you and your lovely blog darling, how have you been?

If you haven't already, check out my new bi-annual online fashion magazine and spread the word:

Hope you're staying safe and chic dearest!

English Rose x

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