Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!

Renovate your life: Making Exercise, Rest and Relaxation A Priority

Dearest Devotees,
I know I've been gone awhile and I'm sorry. I've been away discovering myself. I will let you know what I've learnt as time goes on but for right now I really want to talk to you guys about the next step of my renovating your life project: getting physically fit.
1. Despite my love of traveling and meeting people I am a homebody. There are few things I love more than the idea of spending a Saturday at home, lounging in comfortable (yet cute!) clothes and alternately reading for fun/looking out the window at nothing in particular, except for the beauty of the day.
2. I am admittedly and begrudgingly a couch potato. While I love the sense of accomplishment that comes with getting things done, I love resting on a truly comfy couch. And while I do love reading on these couches more than I do watching TV and have been that way ever since I was little, the final outcome is still pretty much the same level of physical activity.
- I start the day with a hardcore full body work out which usually consists of me dancing to my "wake-up!" playlist first and then moving on to practicing routines I'm choreographing for swing or steps I'm learning for hip hop. I love dancing because it's a full body workout and art :). Thirty minutes of this and I'm definitely ready for the day.
- Then some time in the middle of the day, after a couple of hours of work (school or otherwise) I take time out for myself to do something fun that has nothing to do with anything else I usually do e.g. taking a walk down the esplanade along the river, or doing some gentle stretching in my dorm before walking down to the cafe to read for fun for a couple of minutes without interruption from anything stressful. The whole idea of this time is to stop and take a breath and to regenerate for the rest of the day. I once read that some CEOs do this by scheduling "meetings with themselves" in the middle of the day to prevent going crazy because of the work.
- At the end of the day, I wind down with calming exercises like yoga and meditation. The stretching at the end of the day prevents your muscles from tensing up during the night and meditation and if you believe in God, prayer at the end of the day helps to put everything into perspective.
I also various short prayers throughout the day, while moving or transitioning between two activities (pray and worship music, the rosary, short personal prayers) to keep things in perspective.
This is what works for me. I share it with you in case in could work for you. The major idea I tried to incorporate was keeping my interests and needs in mind, by taking into account the fact that nature and art motivates me and by creating a routine that involves art and music, and that is very soul centered I was able to create a routine that appeals to me.
Love you all and Stay inspired,

Reasons For My Smile: Retreats, Family Visits and Thanksgiving Break

- Watching and Re-watching amazing movies like Uptown Girls, Never Been Kissed, and When Harry Met Sally! Loved them!
- Going with an equally crazy friend and in the company of many college students to see Harry Potter 7 part 1 at 3:30 am! So much fun and totally safe because every one was out that night (since it was opening night) and we got back at sunrise. The costumes I saw people in were awesome too :)
- Taking a train ride to New York city to visit my Godmom, and getting to spend some time with her :)
- Fabric Shopping and Swatching in New York City. Weaving in and out of fabric store aisles, pulling swatches, feathers, and trims, and searching for the perfect match was so exhilarating! I was born to do this!
- Hanging out with friends from my fellowship. We're so close we feel like siblings.
- The scenery on the train ride back to Massachusetts. Absolutely Breathtaking.
- Visiting St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC. The architecture is stunning and its definitely a must-see if you're a Catholic in New York city.
- Celebrating Thanksgiving and having the opportunity to just be grateful for all that I have been blessed with in life.
- Going on an all day Theology of the Body Retreat and getting the opportunity to experience so many beautiful things that weekend.
- Dreaming of someday living in the European countryside with my own horse, field and stables.
- Reading Ella Enchanted . Even if you've already seen the movie I highly recommend the book because they are not the same.
- Building my Itunes library and signing up for Netflix. I've discovered there are way too many amazing movies that have come out than I haven't seen yet.
- Visiting my aunt and cousin over the weekend and finally getting my hair redone.
- Planning to DIY some of my new jeans and sweatpants. I'm really excited for this, especially since I just discovered that some of my new close friends are into DIY too :P
- Preparing for Christmas!!!

Dearest Devotees: Laying it all down

Dearest Devotees,

Reasons for My Smile: Slumber Parties, Feeling He's Here, and a 100 Followers!

- Having a particularly awesome slumber party at my one of my darling friend's dorm and a random but equally wonderful sleepover at another friend's dorm :) It made me feel like a kid again :)
- Watching 10 Things I Hate About You with friends. Seeing my favorite actors as little teenagers was oddly entertaining.
- Feeling He is here :)
- Doing my own version of NaNoWriMo and Art Every Day Month because I've realized working on and hopefully completing my anthology this month means more to me than working on a new novel right now. So excited!
- Planning crafting parties
- All the love shown to me when I was ill and finally getting well again.
- Renovating my Halloween costume dress to turn it into something I can wear everyday. TeeHee.
- Organizing my dorm room. I love having white space.
- Getting my new inspiration board! It's here!!!! and it looks AWESOME!
- Wishing My Dad a happy birthday!
- Listening to some awesome TED talks on creativity. The links should be posted in my seeking inspiration post this week.
- Choosing to learn River Flows In You by Yiruma for my piano final. So pretty and so different from anything I've ever done.
- Loving Life :)
- And last but definitely not least loving the fact that I now have 100 followers on Google reader! Thank you so much my darling devotees. You all always make me happy.

Are You a T.A.T.A ? To The Teen Artists Trapped in Academia

Do you wake up every morning just longing for the chance to express yourself in art? Do you feel personally attacked by the existence of school uniforms and overly stringent dress codes? Do you long for the day that you will be free to learn the way you want to learn things, and about the things you want to learn? If so you may be a Teen Artist Trapped in Academia.
- Embrace the fact that you are different and that you, like everyone else, have your strengths and your weaknesses. Look for your strengths, and spend at least some time every day working on them/ enjoying them. If most of your school work doesn't inspire you, definitely work on it but try to spend some time, writing music if it's what you like doing or join a dance class as an after-school activity. Do something that makes you happy everyday. It works wonders for your self-esteem.
- Don't put your dreams off until university. No. Scratch that. Don't put off your dreams period. Try to live them at least a little bit today. Do whatever you can for to work towards your dream in a little way today. It is never to early to start living the life you want to live.
- Try to look for the bright side in learning everything that you have to learn in school. Sometimes you might discover a hidden talent or random interest in an unexpected subject. Sometimes all you'll learn is that whatever you are taking is not for you. At least you've learnt something.
- Remember that no knowledge is wasted. Art is a reflection of life. Academia is awesome because it enables you to broaden your knowledge about the world around you and gives you the opportunity to build your well of experience. Creatives especially should be curious about the world around them because you can only improve what currently exists if you know what currently exists. So the next time you're trying to figure out how to survive another day in that class you hate, remember that inspiration can come from anywhere, and give the class (yet) another chance.
- Study the way you want. Only you truly know how best you learn. If you realise that rote memorisation does not work for you, try to learn the material in another way. If you don't know how best you learn, try taking a learning style test. No matter what kind of learner you are (visual, kinesthetic, auditory, etc), learning in a way that uses various methods to learn to learn the same subject matter tends to help you learn better. For example, while studying from your notes, you could try making lists, diagrams and pneumonics to help you remember what you've learnt. You could also try explaining general concepts out loud to yourself, to make sure you understand what you've just read.
- Adopt a more holistic approach to studying. I personally can not strictly memorize anything to save my life, so I try learning concepts and general ideas first, before attempting to place specifics into the mix. By getting the background info of a subject, I am able to paint a picture in my mind of what I'm trying to learn and then it becomes so much easier to remember the random facts that I need to know. One way in which you could make this easier to do would be to always know the why behind any particular fact. Knowing the why, even if its not necessary for the test, helps you make connections in your mind, and these connections can act as a guide leading you to the right answer if you ever get lost during a test.

Seeking Inspiration: Creating from Chaos

- Looking for a theme for your first clothing collection from your mood/ inspiration board.
- Renovating your room/personal space
- Creating a storyboard for your next short film/youtube vlog/music video
- Finding inspiration for your NaNoWriMo Novel
- Looking for a stylistic theme for your costume design project
- Solving a mini-crisis-soon-to-be-epic-crisis at your new business or within your group of friends/family (like when one friend thinks someone said something about the other that the other didn't person didn't say i.e. one of those he said-she said situations. )

Reasons for My Smile: Beautiful music, letters from family and finding the silver lining

- Decorating my dorm room and looking for fall things to add to it.
- Finishing 2 of my midterms without going crazy over them.
- Preparing for an amazing Theology of the Body seminar this weekend. It will be epic.
- Finding out what Inception: A musical in limbo as well as what Inception: The Musical is.
- Starting to ease my way back into a blogging schedule.
- My new-to-me-vintage-thrifted trunk!!!
- Buying fabric for my Halloween costume- I'm making it and I'm going as Susie Carmichael from Rugrats
- Having a deep conversation about Harry Potter over dinner.
- Realising that my heart has been healed :)
- Realising that I no longer have self-esteem issues or stage fright :)
- Starting to catch up with life and all my obligations.
- Getting an awesome email from my parents :)
- Listening to beautiful music like There For You by Flyleaf, Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade, and Girls and Boys by Ingrid Michaelson.
- Contacting my siblings
- Hanging out with the awesome people God has blessed me with.
- Swing-Dancing: I'm getting really good.
- Going for adoration- it's just amazing and really calming.
- Trying to transition this blog into my new vision for it.
- Reading Mini-Shopaholic on my Kindle!
- Learning the true meaning of love.

Love and Relationships- Thoughts on Love
richness to life that nothing else can bring.
-- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Irish Dramatist and Poet
What is Your Wildcard?
- See a play at the theatre (probably for free using my Student Complementary Card)
- Visit a photography gallery
- Spend a couple of hours drawing at the Art Museum
- Go to an orphanage to play with the kids, find one to get signed up for regular volunteering
- Go to the parks
- Go salsa and swing dancing with friends
- Go to the library
- Read Mini Shopaholic on Kindle at cute, little coffee shop.
- See Easy A at the cinema.
- See The Social Network at the cinema.
- Bake cookies with friends.
- Decorate Dorm room more- buy flowers, and create special corners :)
- Watch TED talks on Creativity.
- Go for a walk by the river.
- Skype friends and family.
- Explore more of the area where my dance classes are located.
- See Romeo and Juliet opera
- Find out what Inception : The Musical is.

Renovate Your life: Rewiring Your System

- Wake-up and stretch
- Pray
- Meditate and/or do Yoga
- Blast "Waking up playlist" while checking emails and plan for the day.
- Cancel one thing from my to-do list (preferably something that would make my day too hectic)
- Choose to do 1 thing from my wild card list (something random and cool that would make me really excited to do in that day)
- Bathe, dress, eat healthy breakfast and leave for the day.
How to Improve Your Vocals i.e. My Top 10 Tips for improving your sound

Seeking inspiration: The Art of Role Play

My Top 10: Little known quirks

Dearest Devotees,

My Top 10: Amazing Places I would love to live

Artist's Corner: Poetry 101 by 8 year old Aury

A Day in the Life: Where I am now

Dearest Devotees,
Life's Little Lessons: Just believe

'Promises mean everything when you're little and the world is so big'
The world is huge, experiences range from microscopically tiny to undeniably life-changing. Life is like a stormy sea with alternating periods of deceptive calm and back-breaking turmoil, and in this sea that is life, each person is one ridiculously small and powerless boat. In order to ride out the storm, we need to have an anchor, something to hold onto and to keep us from sinking in times of great trial. Sir Thomas More said,
In times of great turmoil, our beliefs are whaxt should keep us grounded. I am not even saying solely religious beliefs either. I just feel strongly that we should believe in something good outside of ourselves. A boat does not have a brake, something within itself to help it face the strength of the sea- it has an anchor, something outside of itself that is rooted and strong enough to support the ship until calm is restored. Even in times of calm, the presence of the anchor gives the captain reassurance. Having a belief in something powerful and beautiful reassures you in times of calm and gives you something to fall back on in hard times.
I believe in God, love and hope. I am not blindly optimistic; I do not think that everything is perfect or that bad things do not and will not happen. I do believe though that somehow, in the end things will be okay, and that all I need is the strength to see the situation through. Rarely do people go looking for hardship, but it exists any way so the best thing you can do is face it. I am a strong believer of the whole '' what doesn't kill you makes you stronger approach" and this, combined with the hope of a better day, keeps me going each day.
So if you don't already, I really suggest believing in something. Let it be something larger and more powerful than yourself. Let it be something than is immortal and is unlikely to be hurt by the currents of change. But most importantly, let it be something that resonates with you.
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and See this World,
Through the eyes
of an Ordinary Girl"
An Ordinary Girl's World is a blog for stylish and artistic teens, college students and young adults, creatively finding their way in this world. Its about expressing yourself through your personal style, your lifestyle, your relationships and friendships.
This site will feature articles on fashion, love and life in general, with topics ranging from the latest trends in fashion, beauty and lifestyle, personal style, artistic inspiration pieces and real life survival guides.
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- Seeking Inspiration: Creating from Chaos
- Reasons for My Smile: Beautiful music, letters fro...
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