Fun Blogger tag from Erimentha!

I'm sorry been so scarce, its one of those awful midterm weeks again for me where I have so much school work to do and not enough time, but I should be back to regular posting and just regular stress come next week.
Meanwhile, I decided to partake in and pass along this cool blogger tag Sabine made and that Erimentha passed on to me. Enjoy :)
My Top 10: Personal Style Rules

- A wardrobe full of cotton, or even just one fabric, is not a wardrobe. There is so much variety out there. It might just be me but I can't help but it reminds me strongly someone in a boarding school with a uniform.
- Patterns and prints can be mixed. I agree it is a challenge and does require a certain amount of confidence and joie de vivre to pull it off, but if fashion didn't challenge me I wouldn't care about it anymore.
- Comfort and style can go together. I will never understand why or how people can wear pajamas to class. I mean even sports clothes can be useful and at least semi-cute.
- Accessories can make or break an outfit. I have believed in this rule for years, even gave a talk about in English class when I was 11. The right accessories can take an outfit from plain to dazzling.
- You do not have to show skin to be sexy or stylish. Sexiness comes from self-confidence and knowledge of what looks good on you. Also, even if the trend is about showing off your limbs, there are several ways to indulge show them off without exposing them to the elements.
- Do not care about what anyone else might or might not say. As long as what I'm wearing is appropriate for the occasion, and makes me look and feel good I should not and cannot go out worrying about little details like if I will look like everyone else. The first time I was criticised for my style was in 4th grade. Some girl said my wearing blue and black was tacky. I was a little upset at first but later I thought "who died and made her queen of all things fashion" and since then I wear whatever I like with total disregard for people's desire for me to blend in and look like everyone else.
- Strive to represent who I am and what I like in all that I wear. I am told I have a very energetic, vivacious and bubbly personality. I am generally very outgoing and like to claim that my life motto is " I don't do unhappy" . It makes sense that I am attracted to bright colours, and patterns and prints, and unafraid to take fashion and style risks because of who I am.
- Unless it is a matter of wearing a ball gown to a baseball park (or some other similarly ridiculous circumstance) I can not understand the concept of having clothes you can only wear to one place i.e. that lovely sapphire top with the beading in your wardrobe apparently only sees the light of day, when you are eating out at your favorite restaurant, every once in a blue moon. It's too dressy, to wear to work or to class, you say. Months later you give it away. Why? You never tried to dress it down. This is a sad but true story.
- Scarves can be worn anytime of the year, not just in winter. This is coming from a girl who spent six years of a secondary school in a country where 40 degrees celsius (104 fahrenheit) is an absolutely normal temperature for half of the year. Trust me, all you have to do is find the right one.
- Personal style is about emphasizing your beauty, both internal and external beauty. It is all about playing up the best parts of you. It's supposed to make you feel good and look good. If it doesn't do that its just not personal style.

What an artist needs...

Seeking Inspiration:Everything is Art
Is everything art? Does everything have artistic/inspirational potential? These are questions I've been thinking a lot about lately, especially in the past week. So far every answer I've come up with has just led me to more questions. Right now, I'm reading a career book that claims that a lot of not obviously artistic careers like psychology, biology and economics (My major and I never knew!) do have artistic components. If this is true, the next most logical question I could think of was what is art? I think of it as ways in which you express your emotions, feelings and self, but apparently this definition can run you into several problems. For example you express yourself through body language, therefore is body language an art? Also if you are a particularly artistic individual who tends to express your stronger emotions in your favorite art form (dance, music, poetry, etc) and you encounter a situation, such as a relationship that does not move you to art does that mean you are not invested enough in or moved enough by the situation? Hmmm....

Seeking inspiration assignment: Choose any of the pictures in this section to inspire your next piece of art.
My translation;
You may think I'm crazy.
Many people do, but answer me this. Is it crazy to give up everything you've got, risk everything you have to get something you desire with your all? Maybe it is. Maybe it would be better for me to ''play it safe'', to go to college, get a degree in a secure field I lack passion for, maybe accounting, and spend the rest of my life seeking happiness and a sense of fulfillment from things I know will not fulfill me. Then maybe, just maybe when they lay me off during the next recession, as I am 3 years away from retirement, and no longer have any expectations to live up to, I will be finally able to do what I want. Live the way I have always desired to live and be the person I have forever longed to be.
I could wait for that day.
Or I could skip all the years of torment and torture, save myself from all that regret and take that chance today.
I may fall on face.
I may not succeed.
I may have to sleep in fields under makeshift tents for a while.
But don't judge me or pity me, because I will be happy.
Doing what I love or at least trying to get there.
And that's all that matters.
Links I loved
Fashion inspired by Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland by College Fashion (couldn’t resist)
I love's latest advert. Can you say uber indie cute?!
Chicken soup for the dorky soul has some great ideas on how to stay in touch with your far away friends.
Zen Habits has some amazing tips on how to reclaim your attention. They really make you think.
I love this post on rocking heels by Golden Means.
Looking for something new to do with your girlfriends? Check out this post by Ashe Mischief.
I heart this girl's blog! It is so cute and happy and all of the fabulous and fun things in life.
All images from we heart it
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. What inspired you this week? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
A Day in the Life: Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Dearest Devotees,
Happy Saint Patrick's Day Darlings!
Abazias Diamonds Giveaway Winner

If I Had One Wish... I would save the world

I want to save the world by aury4eva featuring Kuyichi jeans
Checking in With Reality: 09/03/10

Dearest Devotees,
- Record all my songs A capella style on garageband.
- Choose the 10 songs I want on my demo.
- Fill them out as need be.
- Work on finding the chords for at least 2 of them.
- Write down music video ideas.
- Practice my french at least 3 nights every week on my computer.
- Continue with my regular blogging.
- I will record 3 songs on GarageBand.
- Practice my French nightly.
- Continue with my regular blogging.
- Finish my school work.
- Read books, blogs and magazines.

Seeking Inspiration: Cinematic Inspiration


Photos from: Yahoo. Pictures of Sarah Jessica Parker, Sandra Bullock, Rachel McAdams, Penelope Cruz, and Anna Kendrick.

Dear Devotee:My Top 10 Spring 2010 Must-Haves

A while ago, I put up a post asking you all to feel free to contact me with suggestions, questions and advice and ellie commented:
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and See this World,
Through the eyes
of an Ordinary Girl"
An Ordinary Girl's World is a blog for stylish and artistic teens, college students and young adults, creatively finding their way in this world. Its about expressing yourself through your personal style, your lifestyle, your relationships and friendships.
This site will feature articles on fashion, love and life in general, with topics ranging from the latest trends in fashion, beauty and lifestyle, personal style, artistic inspiration pieces and real life survival guides.
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- Fun Blogger tag from Erimentha!
- My Top 10: Personal Style Rules
- What an artist needs...
- Seeking Inspiration:Everything is Art
- A Day in the Life: Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
- Abazias Diamonds Giveaway Winner
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