Love and Relationships- Music Therapy part 3- Working through a break-up

- It's like that-Mariah Carey: When I listen to this song I remember the first time 'we' met ('we' in reference to the guy and I). It reminds me of the excitement, the interest, the chemical attraction, the frisson from across the room and the sense that you've just met someone with the ability to impact your life in a big way. I'm usually pretty upset at this part but it helps me acknowledge the reality of the situation.
- We belong together- same singer: By this point I just let myself feel the pain and allow the grieving to take place.
- Shake it off- same singer: This song shows me that I need to get back on my feet and move on with life.
- Because of you-Kelly Clarkson: This is when I'm just blaming him for the demise of the relationship. It's a lot of anger, but mostly hurt.
- Behind these Hazel Eyes-Kelly Clarkson : This is when I sort of fantasize the relationship, making it out to be perfect when it wasn't. Here I ask myself how I'll be able to live without him. I feel only hurt here.
- Since you been gone-Kelly Clarkson:This is all about how much better I feel now that I'm without him. It's all anger but it also signals that I'm beginning to move on.
- Breakaway-Kelly Clarkson:This is when I start to picture myself as ready to move on, by letting go of all the bad feelings.
- Walk away-Kelly Clarkson : This song symbolises complete freedom of the relationship, and total independence. It's when I feel like I no longer need to stalk his facebook page, or follow his twitter, or hang on to any of the threads of the relationship. Total liberation!
Now, I'm not saying that by simply going through this soundtrack I become magically healed. After all, these things do take time. It's like I said before, I see it as a form of therapy and one that isn't going to break my bank or tip my scales anytime soon.
(Photo from: bored-now)
Love you all and Stay inspired,
Seeking Inspiration: Get up and Go

- Never settle for anything less than what I deserve: I mean I've already got high standards for myself. If I get anything below a B+ in subjects I'm generally not good in like the sciences, and anything less than an A in subjects I am good in like literature, and other arty subjects, I practically berate myself. But, when it comes to guys, for whatever reason, I allow my standards to fall. I dated someone that I knew wasn't who I should be with, and stayed with them just because it was comfortable. You know it's bad when someone who doesn't even know your boyfriend tells you (through the aid of tarrot cards, no less), that you need to raise your standards where men are concerned. Needless to say it ended badly (reminiscent of stalker-ex boyfriend movies) and I can now honestly say I've never appreciated being single so much before. It was very scary but at least I've learnt from this experience.
- Give myself a break: I really am my own harshest critic and after having several people (including one of my oldest friends and several of my academic advisors when I told them how I wanted to complete 2 degrees and a minor in 3 years) tell me that I really do push myself too hard, I decided that its ok to give myself a break every once in awhile. Also, that I should learn to adapt my personal standards to every different situation.
- Become more accepting of myself: To some this may sound like the last point but its really not. You see, after having breathing difficulties and being disagnosed with asthma, I was told that I show a lot of the symptoms associated with adult ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder). ADHD occurs because a difference in the chemicals and the positioning of neurons and neurochemicals in the brain.
Common symptoms include: carelessness and lack of attention to detail,
continually starting new tasks before finishing old ones,poor organisational skills, inability to focus, or prioritise, lateness to activities, continually losing, or misplacing, things,forgetfulness, inability to complete tasks or stick with tasks, and sometimes depression as a result of the condition. Its not a disease but a developmental disorder and apparently I've probably had it since I was a little kid, but was diagnosed since in girls its usually shows in their quiet and dreamy demeanor instead of the more disruptive forms. I'm getting officially tested soon but either way, I've decided I'm just going to learn to work with it and be more accepting of things that I just can't do.
- Do more of the things I like and not what I think I should do: I almost became a double major in journalism just because I thought it would look good. I was so convinced that it was the right thing to do, that it took me several days of career testing and interest evaluating for me to realise that I want to be my own boss and I just can't do that in traditional print journalism. I still love media literacy and writing though, so I'm a film studies minor instead of an journalism double major.
So goodbye 2009. Thanks for the memories.
But before I end this unusually long post (I'm sorry. I got a little carried away), here are some of the links that inspired me this week:
- Get up and the café: Ah, the café. The stereotypical artist haven, where those seeking inspiration go to observe life in a cosy, warm and friendly environment. This article by Café Fashionista has moved me to rediscover the magic of my neighbourhood café.
- Maybe its just me, but I think using Kool-aid as clothing dye is pretty fascinating. This is one of the DIY projects I want to try out as soon as possible.
- Need somewhere cute to keep your supplies? The monkeybasket blog has just the thing.

This place reminds me of Northern Ireland , my favorite place in the world.
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. Did the year go by too fast? What did you learn from your past experiences this year? Did you learn anything new about yourself this year and if so, what? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
How to Budget Shop: Sales, Thrift stores and Shopping Your Closet

Sales: Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and all the sales we know and love:
Everyone loves a good sale so I'm not about to tell you not to indulge. I mean what's not to love?Its the perfect opportunity for a little retail therapy without the accompanying debt. However, if you don't keep the following things in mind you may end up with a more chaotic wardrobe situation than you bargained for.
- Always ask yourself how much of the trend factor does the item have- truth is, if its on sale the trend really is on it's way out anyway. However, if it is currently a trend, is on sale, but suits you and flows with your personal style buy it anyway because its a deal.
- Remember the cost-per-wear (or use): If it's on sale because its already defunct, really low quality or won't last as long as you'd like please pass it over. Because, even if it cost $1 and you only wore it once, instead of buying the $7 sister, you would have worn at least 14 times, it still wasn't worth the $1 you paid for it.(Do the math)
- Don't leave the list at home: It'll stop you from buying things you just don't need, in the heat of the moment.
- This is perfect time to buy your classics and basics, investment pieces will have an even greater cost-per-wear than they have usually.
- Don't rush to the cashier: Please try it on when possible, and if you can't try to visualise yourself wearing it. How do you look? Does it flow with the rest of your wardrobe? If not, its a no.
Thrift stores, vintage shops and other discount stores:
- When shopping online look for sellers with a good reputation and a good return policy.
- Look for quality material first before anything else: if the material is still good it can be fitted to your size or used in a DIY project.
- Be resilient: It took me a couple of days of rummaging through several flea markets and vintage shops to find the brooch of my dreams.
- Classics (not really basics though) and unusual accessories that reflect your style are things you should keep an eye out for when shopping in these stores.

Shopping your closet:
For a lot of people the idea of 'shopping your closet' became real when the recession hit. 'Shopping your closet' is when you arrange your closet in such a way that it becomes very clear to know what you have and what is available to you, so that coming up with an outfit becomes a whole lot easier. Also, when your wardrobe mimics the clarity of your favorite store, it is easier to identify the gaps in it, which will enable you to know what to buy the next time you shop.
- Hangs ties, scarves and belts so you can easily get to and see them.
- Hang long necklaces and earrings on jewelry trees if you can.
- You can pin smaller earrings on a board or something similar.
- Keep rings in a little partitioned drawer if you can.
- Hang as many clothes as you can.
- Get rid of any and everything you haven't worn in at least a year.
- Keep similar items together.
- Store away things you will not use for awhile e.g. winter clothes in summer.
On the next part of this series I will talk about making the ultimate shopping list, budgetting and the financial nitty-gritty in budget shopping. If you liked this post and what to follow the series, follow this blog either by email or using one of the RSS feed links in the sidebars.
Love you all and Stay inspired,
A Day in the Life: Merry Christmas!!!!

This is just to wish you a Merry Christmas my darlings! Thank you so much for following my blog and I hope that you have a fabulous day. I'll be back with a regular post tomorrow, ciao!
Love and Relationships: Destiny, the One and Kindred spirits

I know it's been awhile since I've posted an L&R post but that's because I have just not been moved to do so. After all, this is a personal blog and it reflects me and my experiences no matter how indirectly they are linked sometimes. Basically, I'm single again and working on getting myself back on track while trying to maintain and improve the relationships I've developed with my lovely friends in Boston. It's partially because of good experiences with these friends and because of the song of the week: Collide by Howie Day (see: Seeking Inspiration: Collide ), that I now feel ready to explore this topic.
Like I mentioned before, Collide is essentially about two people with different personalities, realising that it is their differences that make them so good for each other, and this led me to think about the concepts of destiny and fate. I mean they are such popular concepts used in all sorts of media to idealise love, both romantic and otherwise. From magazine articles to popular romantic comedies, people are shown as constantly looking for 'The One', i.e. the person that each person is supposed to spend their life. Sometimes they get so immersed in this search they forgot that their life is actually taking place while they search and is not on hold. They forget that even if there is a special person that they are destined to be with, and they do find this person (and I hope everyone does), you can't depend solely on this person to make you happy.
I believe that you have to take responsibility of your own happiness and this can partly be done by ensuring you also find true friends that will stick with you through the good times and the bad. I mean I am definitely yet to meet my 'One' but I'm pretty sure I've met quite a few people that represent these true friends for me. In fact, there have been times when, at first glance I meet someone, and we seem total opposites, but as I get to know the person I soon realise that we have more things in common than we don't. I like to call these people my 'kindred spirits' because if and when they become your really close friends, they tend to understand you in a way that few others can and knowing that such people exist can give you a sense of belonging and support that you will always need whether you are in a romantic relationship or not.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that, its really good to believe that you were destined to be someone special but I'm pretty sure you will love life more if you strive to grow in your friendships and work on your hobbies while growing in your romantic relationships.
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. Do you believe in love at first sight? Destiny? Have you ever met a kindred spirit? How did you meet? Have you met the one? How did you know? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
(Photo from: Shanissinha)
Seeking Inspiration: Collide
In fact, I think the willingness to take that chance and try out something-whether its collaborating on a song or visual art work with an artist in a different genre than you, or just deciding to wear your black rocker chic jacket with your super girly gypsy skirt- is a sign of a truly creative person. The best thing about taking this risk though is that, even if the combination doesn't come out well you will definitely emerge from the experience with more knowledge, wisdom, and maybe even inspiration for something else.
To get you started here are some links to works I think collided beautifully:
Denis Collette has an absolutely lovely photostream on flickr that includes the picture below and many more:

I just discovered this cute blog that introduces itself as Apifera Farm: where animals, art and lavender collide
=simoendli on Deviant Art seriously has some of the most beautiful shots I have ever seen, the colours mix in such a surreal way making them seem like something from another land.
Holly Appling is a blog on poetry and all I needed was to see the poem I have linked and I knew I'd found a new source of constant inspiration!
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. Do you believe that a collaboration or combination has to have some clear link thatr brings them together for it to work? Have you ever taken a chance by working outside the fabled 'box'? How did it turn out? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
(Photos from
Life's Little Lessons: Plan for the New Year before New Year's

- Make a demo of 10 of my songs complete with accompanying music and song sheets.
- Make at least 2 music videos for my songs and 3 for other songs that I love.
- Be able to carry out a 5 minute conversation in French
- Blog at least twice a week every week without fail
- Gather all my poems written to date and work towards an anthology
- Finish one of my novels in pre-edited format
- Choreograph 2 dances.
- Significantly improve my fashion design skills
- Grow in hope and love of life
- Become more organised
- Perform in front of strangers
And here are the preparations I've undergone:
- I've signed up for voice and piano classes for next semester, to fine tune my abilities.
- I just got my first video camera today! Expect me on youtube soon people lol. I have a tripod I just got and also plan on getting a Mac soon for the editing program.
- Got my french books, signing up for conversational classes; don't worry I am Not new to this language.
- I'm practicing by blogging during my finals week! 'nuff said.
- Have the story web all planned already, and introduction has been done too.
- I have been engaging in random and spontaneous dancing almost everyday this past week.
- I have got some drawing and sketchbooks, and I have costuming classes next semester.
- I am Christian and am doing this by becoming stronger in my faith.
- I'm learning to use Excel to make a schedule that I will put on Evernote and take everywhere with me.
- My roommate and I have already made plans to check out this bar/café that the Berklee students play at.
How am I going to do all this? By intense planning, scheduling and use of deadlines, but most of all determination. If you are really determined you can get anywhere in life. And this is the core of this lesson.
(Picture from: bubblewrap)Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. Have you picked a New Year's Resoloution yet? What is it? How did your last one work out? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
How to Budget Shop: Investment pieces, Basics and Classes

Now that I can finally get round to following up on the previous post in this series How to Budget: The Rules, I hope that I can completely cover all the bases on the mastery of budget shopping. As I said in the previous post in the series, when budget shopping you should be willing to spend the most money on the 'investment pieces' of your wardrobe. In case you were wondering, an investment piece is any piece that forms the basic foundation of your wardrobe and that you can mix-n-match with several other pieces in your wardrobe in order to make an outfit. While these pieces should still have a bit of your personal style in them and should fit you, this should be generally be toned down as much as possible so that it does not compromise their versatility. I believe that there are two major categories of investment pieces: basics and classics.
These are articles that every woman cannot and should not go without regardless of age, lifestyle, and personal style. They form the basic support of your outfits, and the skeleton of your wardrobe. Although, people's ideas of what constitute the basics varies, there are a few things that are constant from list to list they are:
- a winter hat, scarf and gloves, and coat (climate sensitive)
- a good strong umbrella and rainboots (partially climate sensitive)
- comfy, but cute flats and flip flops
- gorgeous yet workable heels in a neutral colour
- blazer/hoodie/ cute light jacket and sweater in a neutral colour
- bras of 3 types: push-up, sports and t-shirt
- seamless underwear
- simple tanks in neutral colours
- simple t-shirts in neutral colours (short and long sleeve)
- jeans preferably in a dark wash and a pair of normal pants
- sneakers, socks and neutral toned pants
- a simple but durable bag and wallet
These are clothes that have survived the test of time and therefore have incredibly low cost-per-wear because you will be able to use them for as long as they survive. They are seen as important pieces to achieve the simple but polished look and usually have infinite possibilities in terms of when and where you can wear them. They also do not have to be bought in a haste and can be acquired as you become more financially stable. They include:
- A little black dress
- A white 'mens' shirt
- bootcut or straight legged jeans
- a gold or silver jewelry set
- pearls and or diamonds
- black tailored pants
- a trench coat
- black pumps
- a flattering skirt of medium length
- a cashmere sweater
- your perfect bag
- a pair of black sunglasses
Please Note: When buying your investment pieces remember the following:
- They must suit your body type and represent you without being trendy.
- You must love it. If you are going to invest in something, it being just 'alright' is not going to cut it.
- If you have to choose, make sure you spend money on your basics before you invest in your classics simply because they are more capital intensive initially and less urgent. But that depends on you.
(Picture from: Anahitox at Flickr)
Love you all and Stay inspired,P.S. So let me know what you think. What are your investment pieces? Do you own any classics yet? Which is your favorite? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
Seeking Inspiration: Using the past to inspire the present
This picture feels like a window into a forgotten time. It has true Victorian beauty.
How to Remain Gorgeous In Winter: Beauty

- Hydrate yourself: I don't know about you but facing the blustery winter winds always leaves me feeling super dehydrated. This is why it is more important than usual, to drink your minimum of eight cups a day. It will really show on the inside and out.
- Moisturize your hair and body: If you can, using a thicker, more petroleum-based moisturiser (like Vaseline) not only keeps your skin looking healthy but also protects you from the cold.
- Use jelly-based lip balm: The lighter, oilier ones just don't cut it in the winter. They evaporate too quickly and soon leave your lips looking cracked and wind worn.
- Use cream-based or mineral make-up: Since your face is the part of your body that is constantly exposed to all the various elements, the skin there is weaker and more susceptible to damage. Since it suffers more abuse in the winter it is best to use less chemicals on it during these months.
- Use waterproof mascara: If you, like me, tend to have teary eyes when its really cold and windy, but still want to glam up your eyes, using waterproof mascara is probably the way to go. The racoon look is not good on anyone. Trust me.
Love you all and Stay inspired,
P.S. So let me know what you think. What are your winter beauty secrets? Does your routine change with the season? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
Life's a Debate: What's the rush? Married couples in middle school

My Quest For Pretty: The Hoodie

Inspired by my Life's A Debate Post on Does This Come in Pretty, I have decided to embark on a mission to find the prettier versions of all life's essentials (and not-so-essentials). However since we do not all have access to the same stores and stuff and since we all have different tastes, I am just gonna give you a low down of what I think is lovely. Feel free to give me your own thoughts and opinions too.
My Top 5 Favorite types of super pretty hoodies :
- Plaid and tartan prints: Ever since I saw my current favorite hoodie at the store I knew it was the one. A good plaid print (especially if its black on a white background) has the ability to transform a simple hoodie into something unique, classy and potentially whimsical in style. This style is very big right now so you are likely to find the perfect one for your personality.
- Polka dots: I LOVE polka dots! Big or small, multicoloured or single toned, they are just the thing to add that extra punch of fun to any outfit. And although I believe in mixing prints, I have to admit this is something one should be careful with. (More on mixing prints successfully soon to come.)
- Asymetrical and funky cuts: This is a more avante-garde way of getting a lovely hoodie. Granted it might be harder to find, but you can be rest assured that when you do find one with unusual sleeves, a longer cut, or achitectural shape, that you will stand out and in a good way.
- Bright, bright colours: With the fast approach of winter and the abundance of rainy, dull and overcast days, there is no better way that I can think of to radiate your inner sunshine than by wearing a brightly coloured hoodie. I favour colours like aqua blue, rose violet, and other jewel tones for the fall, but yellow, orange and other warm colours work well too.
- Unusual materials: You can break away from the traditionally cotton hoodies and try out something a little more unique. For example some people like to reuse knitwear and turn it into other clothes, and you could try using old sweaters to make a 'new' hoodie, that will truly be one of a kind. If DIY isnt for you though, Etsy is a always a safe bet to find that funky piece that will make your wardrobe.
(Picture from: Mark My Name on )
Love you all and Stay inspired,
P.S. So let me know what you think. What are your favorite trends in hoodies right now? What is your personal style? And what stores do you think have gorgeous hoodies right now? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
Life's Little Lessons No. 1: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Trendlight: The Quilted Bag

Life's a Debate: "Does this come in Pretty?"

Seeking Inspiration: Behind Your Eyes

So they say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul and that if one gazes into them , one may know secrets that the mouth cannot tell. Whether, this is true or not, is not certain. However, I can tell you that after having spent an inordinate amount of time over the past couple of weeks "gazing" into people's eyes ( I know, I know, it's rude to stare. What I go through for the sake of discovery...) , you can learn a lot about how person is truly feeling through them. If you don't believe me, simply take a look at the pictures below.

Pictures from: Zara Jay and Desiree Delgardo
And if you still don't believe me, there are plenty of songs out there, like Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, that speak of the eyes in this magical light.
Finally, in my last seeking inspiration post I told you all about the Charade Blogiversary giveaway, in which Megan of Charade held a weeklong giveaway for her readers. She let everyone know all the prizes they could win each day, but kept the final prize a surprise to be revealed only by the winner. Well, I am very happy to say I was the lucky winner of her grand prize and now I have the pictures to show all who are dying to know what I won.
Love and Relationships: The Brainwash

P.S. So let me know what you think. Has a similar situation in which a close friend seems to completely change over night, leaving you wondering what went wrong? What did you do in the situation? And what do you think of the poem. Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
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